Specialized Programs
A Program for Everyone
If your'e searching for ways to better manage your health, turn to Faith Home Health & Hospice. We provide an array of programs for a wide range of conditions. Whether you need help improving your heart health or developing better exercise habits, we have a program that can help you achieve your health goals.


Hospital to Home
Along with the referring hospital, we work as a team to coordinate and create an individualized plan to facilitate a smooth and seamless process for a patient's return home.

Heart Zone Management
Our Heart Zone Management program is designed to educate our patients on the disease process and symptoms of congestive heart failure so that they learn to best manage it and effective habits in controlling the disease.

Steady Flow
We offer this program to our patients currently on blood thinning medication to optimize their skill in INR testing. We make this a learning opportunity until they are stable and proficient at maintaining themselves.

Healthy Habits
This program is designed for patients who have diabetes. Our team uses our specially designed workbook to help each patient manage their diabetes. Additionally, we educate on good eating and exercise habits that will result in a healthier lifestyle.

Sure Steps
For our patients that are assessed as a fall risk, we provide Sure Steps to ensure that they are safe at home. We use our safe transitions and standardized clinical assessments to create a personalized plan of care.

Care Connect
This program offers qualifying home patients immediate help 24/7 at no additional cost. Patients receive assistance in resourcing, medication reminder calls, and a friendly voice to help with immediate needs, no matter how big or small.